LP - Liberazgo para la Paz
LP stands for Liberazgo para la Paz
Here you will find, what does LP stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Liberazgo para la Paz? Liberazgo para la Paz can be abbreviated as LP What does LP stand for? LP stands for Liberazgo para la Paz. What does Liberazgo para la Paz mean?Liberazgo para la Paz is an expansion of LP
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Alternative definitions of LP
- Lumbar puncture
- Large Print
- Liquefied Petroleum
- Lumbar puncture
- Lumbar puncture
- Limited Partnership
- Linkin Park
- Low Profile
View 251 other definitions of LP on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- LPP Liderazgoa Para la Paz
- LS Liga Solidária
- LIUDC LIga Uruguaya de Defensa del Consumidor
- L Links
- LCRE Los Cedros Reserve in Ecuador
- La Mennais Brothers Brothers of Christian Instruction of Ploerml
- Lazarists Congregation of the Mission
- Loreto Institute of the blessed Virgin Mary, Irish Branch
- LAAC LA Accion Congress
- LRSAI La Romita School of Art of Italy
- LNCV Landau Network Centro Volta
- L Legacoop
- LCNGOS Legal-information Center for NGOs Slovenia
- L Legambiente
- LET Legambiente EcopolisTorino
- LB Leo Brenner
- LSCI Life Self Coaching Institute
- L Liria-i